Thursday, April 18, 2013

April 18 Spring Rituals

Man, it is COLD again!  Was 13 this morning.   Partly cloudy, which didnt help it feel any warmer.  Even in really cold temps, the sun up here is so intense that it feels warmer, but when it is cloudy, the chill really sets in.
I had appointments in town today and was gone most of the day, but i did get to see this beautiful raven displaying for a mate right outside my window.  I had to take this photo from inside, or risk scaring him off, but it was entertaining watching him call and do a sort of little dance , announcing his availability to all the females who might be in the neighborhood. At least, thats what I believe he was doing. In the bird kingdom, only the males sing, though both sexes can vocalize.  I am sorry the photo isnt better, but i am on my ipad without any photo editing. I took a short video, but cant get that to load.  Will try tomorrow on the big computer.
We have had a pair of ravens in the neighborhood as long as i have been here.  I suspect this young fellow is one of the offspring, perhaps from last year.  
We have observed lots of bird activity - moutain bluebirds scouting for food ( they should have chicks by now), and recently a pair of crows doing an aerial ballet, rolling and tumbling mid-air, grabbing each others claws and spinning around.

All these things tell me it is spring, even if the thermometer makes me think otherwise!

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