Monday, April 1, 2013

April 1 Signs

 April 1!  I can't believe it!  Here in the forest, spring comes slowly, and rather shyly.
Not like the boisterous spring back east... here, changes are subtle and quiet.No big bursts of green or colorful blooms.    My husband remarked that there hardly seems to be a spring at all. But it is here, even if you have to look a little harder.
Snow patches are melting.
There are clouds in the sky.  We always hope they bring rain, but this time of year, they tend to sweep on by.
Small signs of wildlife start to appear.

 These are owl pellets.  The regurgitated indigestible parts of the owl's last meal. Usually, they contain fur and bones.  I have seen a whole mouse skeleton reconstructed from an owl pellet.  These are about 2 inches long.

I tried so hard with my little camera to capture this butterfly with his wings open. He had beautiful blue bands on the lower edge of his wings.
He was not cooperative. We saw three of these today. They are the first butterflies of the season.

Now here is a very definite sign that spring is really here. Elk usually shed their antlers beginning sometime in March.  This shed was very fresh, probably within the last day.  That broken tip is a main prong, and probably includes at least two more points.   

These two photos show old, and new, elk chews on these aspen.  The elk usually
make these marks about chest high on them. 4-5 feet from the ground. Rarely do they kill a tree, but tend to
browse throughout a whole stand of aspen.
Other creatures like to mark the aspens too. :-)  Notice the artistic touch.
Orlando was prolific.

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