Monday, April 1, 2013

March 31 Perspective

Forests are a good place to get lost, or at least, get turned around and unsure of your direction.
Everything is so close, there are obstacles, and it's even hard to tell from which direction the sun is coming.  Sort of like life.

Sometimes, it's good to get above the closeness of the forest, and see the big picture.  Today, we hiked up to the top of a 10,000 foot peak, to do just that.  From the top, we can see where everything fits.  We can tell where we are.  We can see that the burned area we walked through, so sad and blackened and bare, and seemingly endless, is really just a small scar in a big, big, landscape.  Perspective.  That's what looking down from on high will get you.
 Looking north. Our house is near the base of that big peak.

 looking northwest.  

Looking west.  

Looking  south. Those are the mountains above Albuquerque in the far distance.

Looking east.  That big open area is unique. Once an ancient volanco, now home to the largest elk herd in NM. The far peaks on the left were all burned in the Las Conchas fire.  Contrast to the still-green hills in front of them.

 This is the last day of March, and happens to be Easter.  Clouds roll in, promising rain, but leave without offering any blessings.  Typical for this time of year. We fear another bad fire season.  We just have to watch and wait and see.   
On this day, I'm glad to know that God always has the Big Picture, even when I'm stuck down in the trees and can't find my way.

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