Wednesday, April 10, 2013

April 10 Digging Out and Being Thankful

Where the truck was parked.  
29 at 6:30am.  High of 43.  Mostly cloudy all day, until just before dusk, and the sun poked its head through the clouds and lit up the snow-filled trees. Beautiful.

The Spring snow turned out to be a pretty good storm.  We got at least a foot of heavy, wet snow.  Just what the Dr. ordered.  That fire is sure no longer a problem, and this good moisture will  help all of the forest.  It was hard slogging through it, though, so I did not go out into the woods today. There was plenty to be done here anyway

Shoveling the driveway was hard work.

Part of living up here in these woods is learning how to be as self sufficient as possible. I have learned many new skills, ranging from soap making to firearms.  One of the things we do as "Homesteaders" is raise our own chickens.
I have a batch of new chicks in my studio right now.  I handle them alot to get them accustomed to me.  Additionally, I like for our dogs to (hopefully) get the idea that these chickens are not toys!  Here is a little 3 week old pullet and our dog Gibbs meeting for the first time.

Dont make eye contact.. don't make eye contact......

Oh darn... he caught me looking......

Hey, why are you licking your lips?

okay, this is a little nerve wracking....

I guess you're okay....

The snow is a blessing. Any moisture in the spring is wonderful.  I am thankful for it, though of course it makes for lots of work.  My garden needs it. The forest needs it.  
who needs a dining room table? This time of year, my house gets taken over by hopeful seedlings.

James 5:7
Therefore be patient brethren until the coming of the Lord.  The farmer waits
for the precious produce of the soil, being patient about it, until it gets the early and late rains.  You too be patient, strengthen your hearts, for the coming of the Lord is near.

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